Blog Posts

How to Stop Worrying: Steps to Mental Health Breakthroughs

For the most part, we stop worrying when life feels like it’s going our way, and the weight on our shoulders tends to feel a lot lighter. Perhaps you’ve received good personal news or started a new job position. We tend to be happy that we can celebrate these successes and progress in our lives…

6 Steps to Help You Reduce Overthinking

In honour of Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to focus on something that can be a major obstacle for many. It can affect productivity and happiness levels in our everyday lives. I’m talking about overthinking. Overthinking is something a lot of us struggle to deal with. Our minds are already full, so not having…

5 Ways to Deal With Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever doubt yourself? Well, you’re not alone. Many of us convince ourselves that we’re not good enough to be in the position we’re in. Whether we’re self-conscious about a promotion we landed, nervous about a career change, or feel like we shouldn’t be given an opportunity altogether. This negativity is common and is…

Things I’ve Left in 2022

Congrats on making it to 2023! Like the past few years, 2022 has had its ups and downs for many of us. But we’re here! Ready to take on the new year and achieve more than we did before because life is about growth and bettering ourselves, right? So with that being said, I wanted…

Understanding Grief: Growing through Loss

Grief isn’t an easy response to loss, especially since loss can come at you in different forms in your life. There are various examples of how grief can impact you and why coping may not be the most comfortable thing to do, but the more you learn to grow through loss, the easier it can…

Ways to Cope with Anxiety in 2022

It can be difficult to stay in control of our emotions while fear and worry are being shoved into our faces from every corner. The pandemic, inflation, racial tension, political tension, humanitarian crisis, environmental concerns, the list goes on. And if you hadn’t experienced anxiety before, you probably have now! (welcome to the club, bestie…

6 Ways to Slow Down and Avoid Rushing Through Life

2020 was the year most of our lives were put on hold in some way. Which could have hindered our work projects, personal goals and even relationships. So it’s normal to feel like we want to fast track to the end result. But in doing that, we sometimes forget about the now. We’re expecting things to…

5 Ways to Practice Body Positivity: Love Your Body

We’ve come to the end of June, and “summer” is steadily approaching. That usually means many of us have been working out just in time for the holidays. A lot of us won’t be going abroad, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the UK sun when it decides to visit again, right?! It doesn’t…

Mental Health Awareness Month

As we come to a close on the month of May, we recognise that it was the month of focus on mental health. It was a time to educate ourselves on the different aspects, including symptoms, causes and risk factors. And take into consideration what the past year and traumas of the pandemic had on…

5 Tips To Help You Cope With Stress

It’s been a while since I posted on here! But the stresses of life had gotten in the way, as they do. Finding the balance between uni work, actual work, and maintaining a home workout schedule in lockdown was piling on! With the UK finally coming out of lockdown, I feel some weight has been…


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